Aspect Ratios Diagram Resource

I use this web site all.. the.. time to figure out different aspect ratios.  Usually in the endless pits of the internet, there are 500 articles about the same thing but whenever I search for something like this vs digging through countless bookmarks, I can’t find it!  Nothing laid out this simply and easily.  For that reason I want to dedicate a blog post to it.. both so others can find it easier and also so I can find it easier too:). Here’s the list! [If you aren’t sure what aspect ratios are, bear with me.. I’ll write a blog post giving a more in depth look sometime!].

This is the link to the diagram:

And below is just a diagram for a rough idea about what various shapes for some aspect ratios looks like:

Aspect Ratio for photography

-Christine Ann
Duluth MN Family & Senior Photographer
Duluth MN Photographer Facebook Page

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