Comparing 50mm 1.8 Lens to 50mm 1.4 Lens With Side-By-Side Images With Same Settings

One of the first lenses I invested in is the Canon 50mm 1.8 lens. I do think this is a fantastic lens, especially when compared with the kit lens, and I use it without hesitation.
That said..
I also own a dreamy L lens. (You can see my lens comparison blog post here)

The L lens is amazing but very heavy. When my husband and I decided to go on a vacation backpacking overseas this summer, I hit a crossroads: Do I bring the 50mm 1.8 or the 85mm 1.2?

The 85mm is the superior lens however it is very heavy. However on a vacation I want the best quality.

The solution?

We invested in a 50mm 1.4 lens.

It’s not as nice as the 85mm 1.2 but nicer than the 50mm 1.8 – a great compromise.

The day I got it I was anxious to try it out and see what I thought. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but what I discovered really surprised me.

Based on my one test (I plan to do more!) the 1.4 seems greatly superior to the 1.4!

These are the test shots I did.. Keep in mind I sat at the same spot, used the same camera, with the same settings, with no lens hood and no filter on either lens & none of the photos are edited in any way except the text and size.  The only thing that changed is the lens.

Canon lens comparison of the 50mm 1.8 and 1.4 prime lenses

Left side is the 50mm 1.4 and the right side is the 50mm 1.8

Comparison of 50mm 1.8 and 50 mm 1.4 lenses

Left side is the 50mm 1.4 and the right side is the 50mm 1.8

So there are my side-by-side image comparisons using 2 different lenses – remember they were taken with all things equal and they are not edited in any way except for adding the text to the image and reducing the size of the image to post online.

If you’re well convinced that you would like a 50mm 1.4, here’s a link to the lens on Amazon.

I will try to do another round at a different location soon!

-Christine Ann
Duluth MN Family Photographer

Backdrop Stand Recommendations & Considerations [Photography]

In my photography hobby days I went to great lengths to attempt to use backdrops without using a backdrop stand.

I would drape a sheet over the back of the couch or staple/tape blankets to the wall..

All of this, becuase I was unaware of how cheap and easy a backdrop stand is to buy and use!

What do I use?

I use a stand from Cowboy Studio which is very versatile.

You can see the Cowboy Studio backdrop stand here.

9114 System (20′)

Height is adjustable from 2′ 7.5″ – 10′

Max width is 20 ft, minimum width is 6 ft, you can adjust from 6 ft, 10ft, 20ft

Cross bar consists of eight sections, making it simple to adjust the width

46.5″ long when closed

Crossbar has max width of 21’ 7” if using all 6 poles

How this works is this:

For $130 (the most expensive option of the ones discussed in this article, cheaper alternatives listed below) you get: 3 tripods (essentially that’s what they are), 6 poles that are each a few feet long, and 2 carrying bags. You use one tripod on each end and the third tripod can be used in the center for additional support.

The poles interlock with one another so that you can choose your width. The drawback is that the minimum width is 6 feet, which doesn’t sound too big but it can be when you take into account the tripod legs add additional width to it, making it require more like 8-9′ of space, minimum.

(Side note to anyone who is struggling with the minimum width – I found a way around this ;). The set comes with 6 poles, one of which has a hole to be used with the 3rd tripod in the center. If you use the pole with a hole, you can use an end tripod in the hole instead of in the center, and cut a few feet off the width).

I chose the backdrop set I did because it’s the most versatile and if I need to do a large group I can go up to 20′ without having to buy another set later.

Please keep in mind with this backdrop stand that there is a pole designed to go in the center when it’s at the maximum height. For this reason (combined with the fact it can’t likely hold a ton of weight) it’s not ideal for storing/carrying rolls around the pole. If I am using a roll, I leave the roll end on the ground and clamp the loose end to the pole :). Works perfect.

Choosing a backdrop stand for photography

The stand with all 3 tripods in use + all 6 poles.

If you want to cut some expense out, you can get just the 10 ft stand for $86 or the 12 ft stand for $9 more!

If this is still sounding too expensive for you here is a much cheaper and very versatile backdrop stand. While the above stand is extremely easy to travel with (fits in one “golf bag” sized bag), this stand is a little more versatile in that it has more width options and can go down to 5′ instead of 6. For $40 you can avoid duck tape goo on your walls and obnoxious shadowing on your backgrounds!
I went through so much peril attempting to use makeshift backdrop stands that if I had but known, I would have just bought the dang stand years ago, haha.
Oh well, live and learn.

I’d like to just note real quick here that there are 500 million other stands out there.. this is just what I’m familiar with!

Now if you need help figuring out what to buy to start with off-camera flash, give this article What Equipment You Need For Off Camera Flash Photography [With Links] a gander!

If you have any questions or other recommendations, such as what you use and why you like it, post in the comments!

Duluth Family Photographer